Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Spidey UK!

Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Looking Back, One Cannot Help But Laugh
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Back on da Horse--Again.
Monday, August 16, 2010
12" Cintiq
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
San Diego Bound!

Well time just flies when you're having fun or if you're just slackin'. :P San Diego is upon me and I'm in the midst of packing. Jeff and I will have our Artist Alley spaces at BB-05 and BB-06. Looks a bit different from last year, they divided the rows so there are some butted up against the far wall. Hopefully our spots aren't there, bad traffic flow, IMO. Space is tight so I'll be unfortunately skipping on the back issues.
I was also stalled out on my Bunny Book, so hopefully I'll get that done for next year. But I have some sketchbooks still from previous years, and some more Original Art and PPG Covers I'm good to let go.
But anyhoo, back to packing. Sees you there! :)
PS: I really want one of those Tron Legacy/Olivia Wilde Banners they have up on the lightposts... wonder how hard it is to climb a lamp post? *yummy!*
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Slow Train Runnin'
Sigh, I hate stalling out, but I have again. Anyhoo, here's some stuff that I've been working on lately. I have some commissions to catch up on and a little bit of inking work for Panini over John Royle. Enjoy! :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Bunny Update
Work goes slow but pencils are coming along... might have to make another pic of an aftermath... a sech-say aftermath... :P
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Post C2E2
Monday Morning and recovering from C2E2. It was a blast, albeit, a bit expensive to have the con so close to Downtown Chicago, but Man, what a view. Setup on Thursday was extra nice, being sunny and 80. The rest of the weekend was also sunny, but a bit on the nippy side. That's Chicago for you. ;)
I kept some friends company who went to the Kick Ass premiere at River East. They didn't have tickets, just wanted autographs (which they got, though they look more like squiggles to me. :P) from Aaron Johnson and Chloe Moretz. Fun and interesting to hang out though. Ate out at P.J. Craig's after and drew on the butcher paper while waiting for mah Chicken Pot Pie(!).
The con itself was good for a first time, I hope they continue and put pressure on WW. Getting down from Downtown Chicago to McCormick place was a bit of a hassle on Friday with the morning rush, but Saturday and Sunday was easier getting the shuttle and moving on the roads. Even though I only live about 50 minutes away, I don't get into Chicago nearly enough as I'd like to. I love taking pics of the buildings. Though I think I need a new camera, one that takes better long exposures for night shots. But a Big Thank You to the C2E2 staff for putting me on their list for Artist Alley. :)
On to Sketches! I had a fun time doing these, Jesse Quick (though I did have an idea for "Flashing," maybe have to do that later. ;) ) Did some Magic for Johnny in the form of an Anime Schoolgirl, a PPG sketch for John Metych's (Sniper and Rook) son, and a nice Animated Batgirl. There's one other commish, but that's NSFW, and I didn't get a pic of the Stick Figure I drew for some guy's sketchbook theme. A lot of free quickie sketches went out to Kids on Kids Sunday.

I kept some friends company who went to the Kick Ass premiere at River East. They didn't have tickets, just wanted autographs (which they got, though they look more like squiggles to me. :P) from Aaron Johnson and Chloe Moretz. Fun and interesting to hang out though. Ate out at P.J. Craig's after and drew on the butcher paper while waiting for mah Chicken Pot Pie(!).
The con itself was good for a first time, I hope they continue and put pressure on WW. Getting down from Downtown Chicago to McCormick place was a bit of a hassle on Friday with the morning rush, but Saturday and Sunday was easier getting the shuttle and moving on the roads. Even though I only live about 50 minutes away, I don't get into Chicago nearly enough as I'd like to. I love taking pics of the buildings. Though I think I need a new camera, one that takes better long exposures for night shots. But a Big Thank You to the C2E2 staff for putting me on their list for Artist Alley. :)
On to Sketches! I had a fun time doing these, Jesse Quick (though I did have an idea for "Flashing," maybe have to do that later. ;) ) Did some Magic for Johnny in the form of an Anime Schoolgirl, a PPG sketch for John Metych's (Sniper and Rook) son, and a nice Animated Batgirl. There's one other commish, but that's NSFW, and I didn't get a pic of the Stick Figure I drew for some guy's sketchbook theme. A lot of free quickie sketches went out to Kids on Kids Sunday.

I did take a couple of commishs to do at home, just to do a better inking job on it with mah pro tools. And I did get another Bunny pic mostly pencilled out, this one of Ms. Marvel to compliment the one I have in mind for Rogue. I'll post those when I get them done, or should I?? Noone would buy the book then. :P
Anyhoo, back at home and had a great time at C2E2! :)
Anyhoo, back at home and had a great time at C2E2! :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Marvel Heroes

C2E2 is coming around Chicago this weekend, I hope we get a good turnout being it's the first one. The room we're in faces the Lake, so at least we'll have some nice calming scenery to look at. I hear it might rain, that's too bad because it'd be really nice for congoers to take a break outside. :)
I've also gotten word that Jeff and I will not be Guests this year at Anime Central, though we'll pop our heads in to spend some bucks and talk to the Con peeps about next year. Sorry to the regular fans that normally get us to do some fun sketches at Acen, I am accepting Mail Order commissions for those who don't want to miss out.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
ThoughtCrime Hits the UK
A friend sent this article to me, thought I'd share. Scary thought to possibly be put in jail for drawing something... :/
Article from The Register
So, technically, I can be Arrested and Jailed for drawing or owning Image 1, but not for Image 2. What's the deal with that?? (PS, if you're in the UK, might be good not to Save Image 1 ;-) )
Article from The Register
So, technically, I can be Arrested and Jailed for drawing or owning Image 1, but not for Image 2. What's the deal with that?? (PS, if you're in the UK, might be good not to Save Image 1 ;-) )
Post Planet Comicon and Other Stuff!
Well, I hope everyone had a happy Easter Weekend (I know I'm up a couple bucks from playing Pool. mmm Money from friends is Deleecious! ;P) I also watched Sherlock Holmes and came away with thinking it a pretty darn good flick. A bit CGI-looking in parts, but lots of nice textures for old London, and a different take on the Holmes character.
Planet Comicon came and went and turned out to be one of the best times I've had at a con. Many thanks to Chris and Sidne for having us out again. Talking to many artists at the show, it turns out that I should be buying a Cintiq, but I'm not sure I'm ready to take the jump (financially or workwise). One fact being that creating digital art, there are no originals to sell. I asked Phil Noto how much he wanted for his Batgirl/Roxy Rocket cover. He shook his head and said sadly, "All digital, man." FFFUUUUUUUUUU.... :P Aw well... But anyhoo, the con was a lot of fun, had some interesting commissions to do as you see below.
Right after Planet Comicon I got sick, a sore throat which turned into congestion which still lingers but slowly getting back to full speed. So I just finished another commission, this one being Lara Croft, ahem kinda Busty. ;)
Professional work has dried up for a couple months now, I'll have to find out what's going on with the Johnny DC books and if there's something there. If not, I'm going to have to hunt down some new editors that still like traditional inks. :/ In the meantime, I still got a couple commissions to do, and I still have a lot of pieces to do for my Bunnies of Steel Book. If anyone has a character they want as a Playboy Bunny, drop me a line. ;) Here's the 2 that I got done so far. Enjoy!
Planet Comicon came and went and turned out to be one of the best times I've had at a con. Many thanks to Chris and Sidne for having us out again. Talking to many artists at the show, it turns out that I should be buying a Cintiq, but I'm not sure I'm ready to take the jump (financially or workwise). One fact being that creating digital art, there are no originals to sell. I asked Phil Noto how much he wanted for his Batgirl/Roxy Rocket cover. He shook his head and said sadly, "All digital, man." FFFUUUUUUUUUU.... :P Aw well... But anyhoo, the con was a lot of fun, had some interesting commissions to do as you see below.
Right after Planet Comicon I got sick, a sore throat which turned into congestion which still lingers but slowly getting back to full speed. So I just finished another commission, this one being Lara Croft, ahem kinda Busty. ;)

Monday, March 22, 2010
Bunny Book Begins!

Well finally getting some hard drawing done for hopefully a sketchbook for SanDiego. If I'm really determined (HA!) maybe C2E2. I got a short list of Women for my Bunnies of Steel book, I'll have to see what else tickles my fancy and if I got the time. Messing around with the new HTPC PVR ain't doing me any favors. XD
Looking at the piece now I'm not too happy with the tail, more Tribble than Cottontail... I'll have to work on that. This next weekend Jeff and I will be heading out to Planet Comiccon in Kansas City! Hope to see some of you there!
Monday, February 22, 2010
How Time Flies

New Year and even Chinese New Year has past since my last posting, sorry all. Still trying to muddle through the inks on a special independent project then hopefully some new work. Getting distracted by the new Star Trek Online game can be blamed, but at least a bit of the excessive playing has made my Space Bar Thumb sore enough that I'm laying off it right now. :P I would say that even though I enjoy flying around in an Original TOS Enterprise, there really isn't much the way for Multiplayer action in STO. I've been labeling it a Massively Instanced Single Player Online Game (or MISPOG).
So Convention Season is quickly approaching and I've got a couple lined up for shore: San Diego is always a must and Crazy trying to get hotel rooms, and Planet Comic-Con in Kansas City. I'm still trying to get in touch with the Anime Central crew to be a Guest again, always a good time; but the people who run Fallcon in Minneapolis has changed their schedule around so their 2-day show which is normally in Sept/Oct, is now on the same weekend as Acen. If Acen falls through I guess it would be Fallcon in May. Both shows have treated us great in the past and it's unfortunate when con dates conflict. :(
Other con stuff that's happening is C2E2 which is the New York Comic-Con's big debut in Chicago at McCormick Place. Hope it has a good turnout and will give Wizard some competition. :P Anyhoo, the con needed some artist info and artwork for their site and Artist Alley Placeholders, so I did some original art for an idea that I have for a banner (if I ever get around to doing and paying for one. :P) Enjoy! :)
Lady Scorpia,
Planet Comic Con,
powerpuff girls,
San Diego,
Star Trek Online,
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