My Power Girl Bunny print (people just don't get it! :P) didn't do as well as expected but it did generate some interest in commissions for her regular (only!) costume. One wanted her with her Tabby cat which ended up being a Shoulder Happy Cat, but I did mull over the idea of having it hang from her boob window. Maybe draw later.
I was also commished to do a Scarlet Witch on one of them Sketch Covers. Very nice stock to work on if you have a dark lead pencil. And another artist from the alley asked for a Squall from Final Fantasy. I made sure to give him dem abs and obliques that women seem to love so much. :D
Finally, my only marker piece for the con was for their Charity Auction donating to the Lupus Foundation or the CBLDF. I thought it turned out pretty well. Some lucky person got it for $50, probably should have bid on it myself. :PWe had the traditionally post con dinner with Gordon Purcell who brought along Dan Jurgens and Bob McLeod. David (Ninja Quiet guy--forget the last name--grr) was there too who has some neat ideas for remarketing and promoting comics. A very cool dinner indeed. Next con up--San Diego! *squee!*