Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Marvel Heroes

New work (maybe some semi regular work) comes in the form of inking over one of my favorite pencilers John Royle. This is a cover for UK's Marvel Heroes mag, I'm not sure what issue number. Still being done old school, traditional inks over blueline. Still not ready to jump to the Cintiq.

C2E2 is coming around Chicago this weekend, I hope we get a good turnout being it's the first one. The room we're in faces the Lake, so at least we'll have some nice calming scenery to look at. I hear it might rain, that's too bad because it'd be really nice for congoers to take a break outside. :)

I've also gotten word that Jeff and I will not be Guests this year at Anime Central, though we'll pop our heads in to spend some bucks and talk to the Con peeps about next year. Sorry to the regular fans that normally get us to do some fun sketches at Acen, I am accepting Mail Order commissions for those who don't want to miss out.


Unknown said...

Hey Philip. I found your blog via a comment you left for Shawn Campbell on FaceBook.

I love your work.

I especially like the Red Sonja and Batgirl below.

Anyway, I'll be roaming around C2E2 on Saturday. Hopefully I'll have a chance to stop by and say Hi.

Lorithian said...

So, how does one go about getting on this commission list that you speak of?

Inkermoy said...

@Chris, It was good to meet you at C2E2, hope you had a good time.

@Lorithian, I can be contacted through my gmail account, if one can get to it through here... not sure... :P

Inkermoy said...

Alrighty, I did activate my email in my Profile, so I can be contacted through there for commissions and what have you. :)